Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification

Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification is prepared with real life questions to help you get all the practice you need. Practice the same kind of questions you’ll be answering on the actual test. Questions cover Identity Requirements, Design Application, Prepare and Load Data, Develop Application topics.

Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification

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Exam Details

The Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification Exam measures your ability to identify requirements, design applications, prepare and load data, and develop applications. This exam has 50 multiple-choice questions to answer in 2 hours.


  • Practical experience developing production-quality applications in Qlik Sense
  • Experience creating dimensions, measures and objects for the master library
  • Understands user experience and design best practices and has experience building visualizations.

Exam Topics

Identify Requirements (23% of the exam)

  • Describe how the Qlik Sense capabilities can assist in analysis of data.
  • Determine which Qlik products and QSE features/methods are needed to meet business requirements.
  • Translate business needs into technical requirements.

Design Application (22% of the exam)

  • Organize the application layout to meet business needs.
  • Determine which visualizations meet business requirements.
  • Determine design elements needed for flexibility, ease of use, and maintenance.

Prepare and Load Data (25% of the exam)

  • Apply the steps to create the associative data model using the data manager.
  • Troubleshoot basic data modeling and data issues.

Develop Application (30% of the exam)

  • Configure dashboards and visualizations to illustrate business insights.
  • Apply steps to share business insights.

Sample Questions

A business analyst develops apps for users to independently visualize their data to gain insights. The users have desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices. When creating the apps, the business analyst does NOT need to know the specific device on which it will be consumed.
a) User-friendly analytics
b) Responsive design
c) Associative selection model
d) Self-service visualization

A business analyst is creating a dashboard to analyze supply chains. The app must contain several elements: A bar chart that shows a number of products and product groups handled by shipper A map that shows the number of shipments sent from factory locations A bar chart that shows average delivery costs by shipper.
Which dimensions should the business analyst use for this app?
a) Product, Shipper, FactoryLocation
b) Shipper, FactoryLocation
c) Shipper, Product
d) Product, ProductGroup, Shipper

A client wants to see a bar chart with a single measure and three dimensions: Region, Product Category, and Month. The business analyst creates a bar chart with the measure, Sum(Revenue). Which final step should the business analyst take to complete the chart?
a) Add Region, Product Category, and Month as three different dimensions
b) Create a single master dimension with Region, Product Category, and Month
c) Add Region as a dimension, add Product Category and Month as alternate dimensions
d) Create a cyclic group with Region, Product Category, and Month as dimensions

Which two features/functions are enabled by the Qlik Associative Engine?
a) Smart search and mashups
b) Insight advisor and smart search
c) Insight advisor and data profiling
d) Smart search and data profiling

Which order of sheets will fulfill the following requirements while building an app for the customer?
– Display row-level transaction details
– Access an overview of the most crucial numbers
– Analyzing data
a) 1. Dashboard: sheet for the overview 2. Report: sheet for the row-level details 3. Analysis: sheet for the analysis
b) 1. Dashboard: sheet for the overview 2. Analysis: sheet for the analysis 3. Report: sheet for the row-level details
c) 1. Analysis: sheet for the analysis 2. Dashboard: sheet for the overview 3. Report: sheet for the row-level details
d) 1. Report: sheet for the row-level details 2. Dashboard: sheet for the overview 3. Analysis: sheet for the analysis
e) None of these

Why Choose Us

We have 20 years experience , more than 10 years dedicated to Qlik products, in Business Intelligence sector. We have many real life project implementations in multiple sectors. We have trained thousands of Qlik users in our training center or on customer location. Our talented professionals select each question carefully. We scan existing exam questions frequently to provide you most up to date questions which are similar or exact match to actual exam.