Qlik Sense System Administrator Certification

Qlik Sense System Administrator Certification is prepared with real life questions to help you get all the practice you need. Practice the same kind of questions you’ll be answering on the actual test. Questions cover Plan Installation, Install System, Manage Content, Monitor and Maintain topics.

Qlik Sense System Administrator Certification

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Exam Details

The Qlik Sense System Administrator Certification Exam measures your ability to identify requirements for environments, install and set up Qlik Sense Enterprise, manage environments, and monitor and troubleshoot. This exam has 50 multiple-choice questions to answer in 2 hours.


  • At least 6 months experience as an administrator of a Microsoft Windows Server-based environment
  • Experience working with Qlik Sense sites and the Qlik Management Console, to provide data and application governance, library maintenance, as well as user and application security
  • Experience managing the policies and options that run the Qlik Sense servers and apps
  • Experience creating rules and managing the visualization streams
  • Knowledge of networking and Active Directory configuration, proxies, intermediate web servers, load balancers, etc.
  • Familiarity with Windows tools and logs created (e.g., Event Viewer, Services Console, DCOM Console, Windows Registry)
  • Experience using NSLookUp, Telnet, Ping, NetStat, Fiddler, and other browser tools to troubleshoot connectivity, interoperability, configuration, performance, etc.

Exam Topics

Plan Installation (20% of the exam)

  • Given a scenario, recommend environment architecture
  • Given a scenario, determine appropriate security strategies

Install System (22% of the exam)

  • Configure initial environment for Qlik Sense access
  • Configure multi-node deployment
  • Configure proxy and virtual proxies

Manage Content (34% of the exam)

  • Configure tasks based on business and system needs
  • Apply procedural concepts to organize external content (Content Library and Extensions)
  • Apply steps to manage streams and apps
  • Apply steps to manage privileges in the Qlik Sense deployment
  • Configure user roles and properties

Monitor and Maintain (24% of the exam)

  • Investigate Qlik Sense errors and issues
  • Given a scenario, demonstrate an understanding of how to monitor system performance
  • Apply the steps to perform a backup and restore
  • Apply the steps to perform upgrade(s)

Sample Questions

Robert is system administrator at TPT Limited has been asked to implement authentication and authorization for a Qlik Sense environment with following requirements:
1. User attributes are stored in the company s OpenLDAP server
2. Windows authentication is not permitted.
3. Any external access to the Qlik Sense environment is not required

Select the methodology Robert should use to set up the authentication?
a) The LDAP server login page must be used and SAML authentication must be defined in the virtual proxy
b) A login page must be created that checks the credentials against the LDAP secret and uses web ticketing
c) The LDAP server login page must be used and a virtual proxy must be set up to accept header authentication
d) A user directory connector must be set up to connect to the LDAP server
e) None of these

A company has Qlik Sense streams based on departments. Users must NOT be able to access apps from streams of other departments.
A user has recently moved from Sales to Marketing. The domain administrator correctly updates the user s group membership in Active Directory.

How should the system administrator confirm that the user can NO longer access the apps in the Sales stream?
a) In the QMC, from the Start menu, select Users Highlight the user s name, click Edit, and then select Owned items and view the audit
b) In the QMC, from the Start menu, select Streams Highlight Marketing, click Edit, and then select User Access and view the audit
c) In the QMC, from the Start menu, select Streams Highlight Sales, click Edit, and then select User Access and view the audit
d) In the QMC, from the Start menu, select Users Highlight the user s name, click Edit, and then select User Access and view the audit

A system administrator needs to automate the Qlik Sense Enterprise upgrade process. Which syntax should the administrator use?
a) Qlik_Sense_setup.exe -s installdir=”cArnycustompath” rimnode=1
b) Qlik_Sense_setup.exe -s skipstartservices=0
c) Qlik_Sense_setup.exe -s spc=”Vconfigpath\spc.cfg”
d) Qlik_Sense_setup.exe -s rimnode=1 rimnodetype=complete

A system administrator needs to upgrade the environment to the latest version of Qlik Sense Enterprise and decides to create a backup. Which three items should the administrator back up? (Choose three.)
a) Qlik Sense certificates
b) Qlik Sense Repository Database
c) Qlik Sense ProgramData files
d) Shared persistence file share
e) Qlik Sense apps

An administrator must configure a QA environment to test apps before moving them to production. Once the apps are ready, each user from the Testers directory must be able to publish their apps to a stream named APP TESTING. The users have Read and Publish access to the APP TESTING stream. All users are assigned the AuditAdmin role in the QMC, but do they NOT have access to the App section of the QMC. Which security rule should the administrator use to enable access for the users?
a) Resource: QmcSection_Stream Conditions: ((user.userDirectory=”Testers”))
b) Resource: App* Conditions: ((user.userDirectory=”Testers” and resource.owner.userDirectory=”Testers”))
c) Resource: Stream* Conditions: ((user.userDirectory=”Testers” and resource.owner.userDirectory=”Testers”))
d) Resource: QmcSection_App Conditions: ((user.userDirectory=”Testers”))

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